Insider is a collection of interviews with bloggers, entrepreneurs and influencers that focuses on different aspects of their lives and careers.
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Paula Smaka-Data from Thirteen Thoughts started her blog to share beauty tips and favourites, but over the past years it has flourished into a space filled with life advice, beauty, photography, flatlays, fashion, blogging tips and more. Thirteen Thoughts is truly a space for everyone to enjoy. Paula has been featured by other bloggers and brands, and continues to grow as a blogger. With a massive Instagram presents and a following of over 7000, Paula has an amazing group of dedicated fans. Read more from Paula about life and her blog below.
1. What is your best advice for newbie bloggers?
Make sure that you write about something you're really passionate about- otherwise you'll get bored easily and give up on your blog.
2. What is your must have beauty product?
I have a ton of products I can't live without! Some of my favorite are Mario Badescu Facial Spray With Aloe, Herbs and Rosewater, MUFE Mat Velvet + Foundation and NYX Matte Lipsticks.
3. Do you suggest getting a P.O. box if you're a blogger, why?
It's really a personal preference- I don't have one.
4. What is the best experience/opportunity you have had as a blogger?
I think that the best part of blogging is getting to know amazing people- whether it'd be my readers, other bloggers or people behind amazing brands. I also love knowing that my posts have helped someone- it always feels very rewarding. Getting to work with brands I've been supporting for many years is also very fun.
5. How do you come up with such wonderful post ideas?
Thank you! I keep a very, very long list of ideas for posts in my phone. Sometimes it's a conversation I overhear at a department store that inspires a post, sometimes it's a book or an article that I read. I always make sure to write those ideas down as soon as they come to me. I guess you can say that it's everyday life situations that usually inspire my posts.
6. What is your must have item for creating the perfect Flatlay?
Good lighting is definitely a key. I prefer natural light and I also cannot live without my reflector- it's definitely a must-have for a perfect flatlay.
7. What would you want to tell your younger self in regards to blogging?
I'd probably tell myself to not be afraid to speak my mind and not to focus too much on what other bloggers are doing.
8. What is the most challenging part of constantly sharing your life online?
I don't think there really is anything challenging about it. I only share those parts of my life that I choose to. When I know that sharing my past struggles and how I've overcome them would help someone, I have no problem talking about them.
9. If your style was a song, what would it be?
Probably Bohemian Rhapsody- just because it has so many different sections (like intro, ballad, a hard-rock part, reflective coda, etc). Similarly, my style changes a lot.
10. What is your best advice for collaborating with brands and other bloggers?
Know your value and do your research. There are many wonderful brands out there, but some also take advantage of bloggers to some extent (like asking for free advertising, etc. ). I think staying true to yourself is also important- if you don't feel like working with someone (whether it'd be another blogger or a brand) don't do it.

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